Music Upfront and personal
Do you own a business or perhaps just interested in help spread the LOVE of Music to those who may not be able to afford it? You can become an official sponsor for "Austin's Music Wish" seats. It easy and pretty simple. First off, currently we are not a 501c, we are merely providing an experience for those who may not ever have the chance to be upfront and close to a show.
You can become a sponsor in several different ways. Please see the below listing of idea, but if you have another thought be sure to share with us and we will be in touch with you.
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Currently looking for sponsors for the First Edition "Austin's Music Wish" T - If you are interested in being a sponsor to cover the cost of the shirt printing please use the form below and we will be in touch.
Our Goal is to raise $20,000 for the initial Funding. We will do this by offering 20 Sponsorships on the Back of the shirt. SIGN UP TODAY to be one of the 20!!!!
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Austin is very busy attending shows. Have you experienced Austin? Share your story with us!